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Database Oracle Book-1: Practice-01 solution

Database Oracle Book-1: Practice-01 solution 

1. Initiate an SQL*Plus session using the user ID and password provided by the instructor.


2. SQL*Plus commands access the database? The answer is FALSE, SQL*Plus command control the environment,  fomart query result and manage files.

3. The following SELECT statement executes successfully: True  


4. The following SELECT statement executes successfully :TRUE.

5. There are four coding errors in this statement. Can you identify them?

The employee table doesnot contain a column called salary.the column is called sal.

The multiplication operator is *,not x as shown.

The annual salary cannot include space it should read ANNUAL_SALARY or be  enclosed in double quotation marks.

A comma is missing after the colimn ename

6(a). Show the structure of the DEPT table. Select all data from the DEPT table.

Select all data from the DEPT table. the structure of the EMPLOYEES table. Create a query to display the name, job , hire date, and employee number for each employee, with employee number appearing first. Save your SQL statement to a file named p1q7.sql.
 Create a query to display the name, job , hire date, and employee number for each employee, with employee number appearing first. Save your SQL statement to a file named p1q7.sql. your query to the file p1q7.sql.
 9. Create a query to display unique job codes from the EMP table.
10.load p1q7.sql into the SQL buffer name the column heading emp # employee,job and hiredate respectively rerun your query. 

11. display the name concatenated with the job separated by a comma and space,and name the column employee and title.  

12. create a query to display all the data from the emp table separate each column by a comma name the column the output. 

 Thanks To Mr:- Marcosoft 
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